Assistants / Business services
The areas of Assistants and Business Services play an essential role in the sustainable success of our law firm.
The areas of Assistants and Business Services play an essential role in the sustainable success of our law firm.
Our lawyers, tax advisors and auditors can only meet their full potential with excellent support.
We offer a dynamic and challenging work environment, which will both challenge and encourage your expertise and passion.
Your personality can help support us in offering our clients legal advice at the highest level. We are always searching for qualified persons in the following areas:
You will find a pleasant and casual work environment with friendly teams that mutually support one another. In addition to a secure work position with an established company, we also provide modern offices in central locations. You will also receive various benefits, such as reimbursement for travel expenses, capital-forming benefits, and free fruit and beverages.
If you have any questions regarding your application at GÖRG, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail.
Kennedyplatz 2
50679 Cologne
+49 22133660 181
recruiting [at] (recruiting[at]goerg[dot]de)
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