Working at GÖRG

Find out about the world of work at GÖRG.

Arbeiten bei Görg

Flexible work schedules

Dedicated team work requires fair conditions and flexible solutions. This is why GÖRG focuses on finding a good balance between our law careers, family and free time for instance through:

  • Arrangement of childcare
  • Individual part-time agreements
  • Option of working partially from home
  • Beneficial conditions at fitness studios

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Ladies League

Part-time models for lawyers at GÖRG

Large law firms have a reputation for making it difficult to combine work and free time or family life. But there are many occasions where part-time is preferable to a “classic full-time job”. At GÖRG, you can choose part-time work, usually linked to flexible work schedules that are adapted to the employee – and also combined with a home office.

In particular, GÖRG offers the following part-time models to our lawyers:

  1. Part-time as a licensed lawyer
  2. Part-time as a research assistant following the second state examination
Freundliche Menschen bei Görg

Part-time models for lawyers at GÖRG

Large law firms have a reputation for making it difficult to combine work and free time or family life. But there are many occasions where part-time is preferable to a “classic full-time job”. At GÖRG, you can choose part-time work, usually linked to flexible work schedules that are adapted to the employee – and also combined with a home office.

In particular, GÖRG offers the following part-time models to our lawyers:

  1. Part-time as a licensed lawyer
  2. Part-time as a research assistant following the second state examination


We here at GÖRG belong together. This is why, in addition to our annual associates trip, we regularly organise joint leisure activities and social events – at the various GÖRG offices as well as for the whole company: from ski camps and company runs to football tournaments and much more.


If you have any questions regarding your application at GÖRG, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail.

Your personal contact persons

GÖRG Recruiting

Kennedyplatz 2
50679 Cologne

+49 22133660 181
recruiting [at] (recruiting[at]goerg[dot]de)

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