Awards & Certifications
GÖRG has earned its position – and is ready to demonstrate its expertise to you.
GÖRG has earned its position – and is ready to demonstrate its expertise to you.
The entities GÖRG Insolvenzverwalter / Rechtsanwälte GbR and GÖRG Insolvenzverwaltung Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten (hereafter jointly referred to as GÖRG Inso) are certified according to ISO INSOLV as well as DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and GOI.
As part of the certification, the insolvency administrators documented controllable recommendations made by the Uhlenbruck Commission, the criteria of the IQS (institute for quality and standards in insolvency administration), the professional principles of insolvency administrators and the GOI recommendations (principles of proper insolvency administration) as well as legislation such as InsO (German Insolvency Code), InsVV (German Ordinance on the Remuneration in Insolvency Proceedings), BORA (Rules of Professional Practice for Lawyers in Germany), RVG (German Law on the Remuneration of Lawyers), BDSG (German Data Protection Act), GwG (German Money Laundering Act) and the EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings, and implemented these in everyday work procedures.
These diverse criteria are documented using an electronic quality management system and made accessible to every employee. This system is particularly used for:
In all these endeavours, the guiding principle of GÖRG Inso is taken into account: economic thinking and acting in cases involving restructuring and reorganisation to consistently protect the interests of creditors.
With our quality management system, we aim to safeguard our guiding principle, defined quality targets, statutory requirements and various recommendations from a range of associations and unions, and to continually optimise daily performance.
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