"Anmerkung zum Urteil des VG Augsburg vom 7. September 2020 - Au 9 K 19.1246: Informationszugang von Tierschutzorganisationen bezüglich behördlich bekannter Tierschutzverstöße in der Nutztierhaltung" [Annotation on the judgement of VG Augsburg dated September 7, 2020 - Au 9 K 19.1246: Access to information by animal protection organizations regarding animal protection offences known by the authorities regarding the keeping of livestock]
Annotation on the judgement of VG Augsburg dated September 7, 2020 - Au 9 K 19.1246: Access to information by animal protection organizations regarding animal protection offences known by the authorities regarding the keeping of livestock
"Kuchler/Spieler, jurisPR-UmwR 11/2020, Anm. 3" [Kuchler/Spieler, jurisPR-UmwR 11/2020, annotation no. 3]