Newsletter Labour and Employment Law, 03/2013


Dear Madam or Sir,

our third Newsletter for the year 2013 reviews new rulings by the Federal Labour Court on the waiver of compensation for annual leave that fits seamlessly into the most recent case law on the rights to annual leave. Another decision of the Federal Labour Court concerns the formal requirements that must be met by the content of notices of dismissal, especially as regards the period of notice.

Practitioners will also be interested in a very recent judgment of the Federal Labour Court that addresses the issue of discrimination in the formulation of employment advertisements; the Federal Labour Court criticised in particular the use of "Young Professionals", a term the court considers indicative of age-based discrimination. Finally, one of the cases we review addresses the question as to whether, and to what extent, the Employment Protection Act (Kündigungsschutzgesetz - KSchG) transcends national borders.


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