Newsletter Labour and Employment Law, 03/2018


Dear Madam or Sir,

In the last issue of our Legal Update, we provided an overview of new developments in labour law resulting from the Agreement of the ruling coalition government (made up of CDU/CSU and FDP) for the 19th legislative term. In the meantime, the cabinet has approved a bill to update the legislation governing part-time employment. The German Bundestag is now deliberating the issue, and the new legislation is expected to go into effect in 2019.

We have summarized these and further exciting labour and employment law topics in short form for you:

1. Bill to Amend Legislation Governing Fixed-Term Part-Time Employment – Federal Constitutional Court Rules on Effect of Prior Employment on Fixed-Term Part-Time Employment
2. Forfeiture of Right to Object to Transition of Employment Relationship after Transfer of Undertaking
3. No Co-determination Right of Local Works Council to be Consulted on Group-Wide Employee Survey
4. Timely Receipt of Refusal of Consent (§ 99 of the Works Constitution Act) – Chairperson of Works Council as the Employer‘s “Receiving Agent”?
5. ‘Third Way’ … Are Church Employment Contract Guidelines Binding for Church-Affiliated Institutions?
6. Withdrawal from the Post-contractual Non-Compete Obligation

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