Scope of the appointment of a joint representative in StaRUG proceedings (only available in german language)


"With the creation of the restructuring proceedings under the German Act on the Stabilization and Restructuring of Enterprises (StaRUG), the SchVG was also amended. Essential regulations on insolvency proceedings apply accordingly to the StaRUG proceedings."

In this article, our experts Dr. Christian Becker and Dr. Lutz Pospiech provide information on the possible appointment of a joint representative pursuant to Section 19 VI SchVG in conjunction with Section 19 II 2 SchVG. § 19 II 2 SchVG.

"BondGuide – Der Newsletter für Unternehmensanleihen, Ausgabe 17/2023, Seite 29 f." [BondGuide - The Corporate Bond Newsletter, issue 17/2023, page 29 f.]

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