Infrastruktur, Transport und Logistik

Infrastructure, Transport and Logistics

The highest level of sector-specific expert advice in all fields.

We support national and international companies in the fields of infrastructure, transport and logistics in the legal implementation of their economic objectives – from the preparation of complex contracts to transactions and litigation.

Logistics and transport

As one of the most important sectors of business, the logistics and transport sector has a great need for the comprehensive sector-specific legal support that we provide. In this regard, we support national and international companies in the logistics and transport sectors, along with their clients and insurance companies. This concerns logistics agreements, outsourcing, liability and insurance matters, cooperation agreements, transactions, logistics real estate, litigation as well as all matters of private and public law.

In addition to numerous lectures, publications and memberships in trade associations, we also offer specialisation with specialist lawyers for transport and forwarding law along with our membership in the relevant specialist committee of the Frankfurt am Main Bar Association.

Construction and plant engineering – building construction, civil engineering and plant engineering

We support mid-sized and large companies in the construction sector with the preparation, negotiation and arrangement of complex contracts and with the resolution of project-related legal problems, particularly in the areas of the work contract law, the German Ordinance on Construction Procurement and Contracts (VOB), the German Ordinance on Service Procurement and Contracts (VOL) and the German Ordinance for Fees of Services Rendered by Architects and Engineers (HOAI).

Another specialisation of our practice is advising renowned architecture and engineering firms operating nationally and internationally, who draw on our expertise when drafting their contracts, resolving questions that arise regarding fees or when defending and regulating warranty and third-party liability claims.

We have particular expertise in accompanying power plant and infrastructure projects.

We support project managers or legal departments in the selection and support of expert witnesses as well as the preparation and implementation of judicial and extrajudicial dispute resolution. Our high degree of technical knowledge combined with legal specialisation enables us to focus our advice on project-specific particularities.

Our clients also include entrepreneurs and investors, which we support in the implementation of their own special investments. We highly value close collaboration with experts for technical and economical project management.

Public-private partnerships and infrastructure

Our experts have many years of experience in advising public-private partnerships and infrastructure projects, such as the construction and/or operation of administrative buildings, prisons and barracks, infrastructure projects such as bridges or motorways, along with IT procurement projects and projects in the field of disposal, public transport or power plants.

In particular, we specialise in structural advice for procurement law matters in complex procurement projects, which entails the support of the tendering procedure from the concept phase to the awarding phase. This also includes comprehensive advice in matters of contract law, while also taking financing structures into account (project financing / forfaiting with a waiver of defence).

We also offer expert tax advice where needed. Our PPP team has collaborated on countless important PPP projects in Germany, both on the contracting authority and bidder side. This work is centred around pilot projects of the German federal government, at the state level and within municipalities.

Our advisory specialisations

  • Logistics and cooperation agreements
  • Outsourcing
  • Liability and insurance matters
  • Transactions
  • Logistics real estate
  • Litigation
  • Private and public law matters
  • Preparation, negotiation and arrangement of complex contracts
  • Matters in the areas of work contract law, VOB, VOL and HOAI
  • Resolution of fee questions which may arise
  • Defence and settlement of warranty and third-party liability claims
  • Support of power plant and infrastructure projects
  • Preparation and implementation of judicial and extrajudicial dispute resolution
  • Structuring under procurement law and contract law and support of PPP projects (planning, construction, operation including financing) in the field of building construction (schools, administrative buildings, swimming pools)
  • Structuring under procurement law and contract law for PPP models in the field of transport infrastructure (bridges, tunnels, A-models, F-models)
  • Structuring under procurement law and contract law for institutional PPP (partial or full privatisation in the field of waste disposal, public transport, water / waste water)

Other areas of expertise

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