GÖRG advised Icade S.A. in the sale of real property in Munich-Allach


[Hamburg, ] In June 2014 Icade S.A. has completed the sale of its real property in Munich-Allach. This office building with approximately 59,000 m2 has been sold to EuroCore Property 1 S.à r.l. and to EuroCore Property 2 S.à r.l., two Luxembourg companies owned by private equity investors.

GÖRG has been advising Icade on corporate law and real estate matters since January 2013 when Dr. Frank Evers and his team joined GÖRG. Dr. Frank Evers has advised Icade since the acquisition of the German real estate portfolio from Daimler Chrysler Immobilien in 2006. Over the years, Icade has developed this portfolio with a transaction value of over EUR 350 million and has concluded a number of share and asset deals, for example with Deka Immobilien and with Corestate. With the sale of its real property in Munich-Allach to the EuroCore companies, Icade has now sold almost its entire German portfolio except for one small property.

Advisors to Icade S.A.

GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB
Dr. Frank Evers, Partner (leading), Hamburg
Dr. John-Patrick Bischoff, LL.M., Associated Partner, Hamburg
Dr. Philipp Reeb, Associate, Hamburg
Marcus Heinemann, Associate, Hamburg

Advisors to the EuroCore companies

Allen & Overy
Hans Schoneweg, Partner (leading), Hamburg
Dr. Christian Hilmes, Senior Associate, Hamburg
Daniel Martin Schultz, Senior Associate, Hamburg

About Icade S.A.

Icade S.A. is a listed French company in which the state-owned Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations has an important stake. As a real estate developer, Icade is active in the areas of investment, development, asset management and property and facility management.


Dr. Frank Evers, Portrait

Dr. Frank Evers

Dr. John-Patrick Bischoff, Portrait

Dr. John-Patrick Bischoff, LL.M.


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