"Anwendung der innerprozessualen Präklusionsregelung des § 6 UmwRG im Verfahren des einstweiligen Rechtsschutzes; Anmerkung zu OVG Münster, Beschl. v. 18.02.2020 – 11 B 13/20" [“Application of the intraprocedural preclusion of sec. 6 UmwRG in interim proceedings”, review of the decision of the Higher Administrative Court of Munster dated 18.02.2020 – 11 B 13/20]
“Application of the intraprocedural preclusion of sec. 6 UmwRG in interim proceedings”, review of the decision of the Higher Administrative Court of Munster dated 18.02.2020 – 11 B 13/20 (only available in German language)
May 2020
"jurisPR-UmwR 5/2020 Anmerkung 2" [jurisPR-UmwR 5/2020 review 2]