SchVG (Schuldverschreibungsgesetz) - Act on Bonds from Global Issues (only available in German language)


"The German Bond Act allows bond terms and conditions to be amended on the basis of majority resolutions of the creditors inside and outside the restructuring situation. It thus permits the subsequent amendment of contracts without the individual consent of each investor."

Our lawyer Kristina Riedel has commented on the following paragraphs together with co-author Matthias Möller:

  • Preliminary remark to §§ 7 and 8
  • § 7 Joint representative of the creditors
  • § 8 Appointment of the joint representative in the bond terms and conditions Comments

"Buch, 2. Auflage; Hsg.: Preuße / Vogel , Verlag: C.H.BECK" [Book, 2. Edition; Publisher Preuße / Vogel - C.H.BECK]


Kristina Riedel

Kristina Riedel


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