The obligations of the EnSimiMaV from the landlord's point of view (only available in german language)


Due to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the gas supply situation in the Federal Republic of Germany remains tense. The German government is therefore continuing to pursue the goal of becoming independent of Russian energy supplies. In the long term, this means measures such as the construction of liquefied gas terminals and, of course, the further expansion of renewable energies.
In the short and medium term, however, a package of measures aimed at saving energy should also make a contribution to security of supply.

The technical paper by Silvio Sittner and Julian Sander (research assistant) is intended to provide (commercial) landlords with an overview of the obligations of the EnSimiMaV, addressing practical issues.

"AnwaltZertifikatOnline Miet- und Wohnungseigentumsrecht (AnwZert MietR), Ausgabe 01/2023, Anm. 2" [AnwZert MietR, issue 01/2023, note 2]

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