"Aktuelles europäisches und Internationales Insolvenzrecht – August bis Oktober 2020 (u.a. zu Europäische Kommission: Initiative zur Stärkung der Konvergenz der nationalen Rechtsvorschriften zur Förderung grenzüberschreitender Investitionen)" [Current European and international insolvency law - August to October 2020 (inter alia: European Commission: Initiative to strengthen the convergence of national legislation to promote cross-border Investment)]
Current European and international insolvency law - August to October 2020 (inter alia: European Commission: Initiative to strengthen the convergence of national legislation to promote cross-border investment) [Only available in German language]
"Neue Zeitschrift für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht, NZI 2020, Seite 1096-1100" [New Journal for Insolvency and Reorganization Law, NZI 2020, Page 1096-1100]