Client Services

Labour and Employment Law

Whether for reorganisation, transactions or labour court proceedings: we advise and represent you comprehensively for all questions relating to labour law.

DAX-listed groups, mid-sized companies and financial investors rely on us

Our labour and employment law experts rank among the leading specialists in Germany. We advise DAX-listed groups, mid-sized companies as well as financial investors for all questions relating to individual and collective labour and employment law. In the process, our teams regularly collaborate across multiple locations in complex, large-scale projects.

Complete expertise for your concerns

Advice regarding reorganisation

One of our specialisations is advice regarding the reorganisation of companies and groups. We address questions relating to business changes and transfers as well as works constitution and collective agreement law.

Additional areas of expertise

In our practice, we also specialise in labour law advice for company acquisitions and conversions, active support for acquisition, transfer and conversion agreements as well as prior implementation of due diligence with respect to labour law. We provide you with comprehensive advice about company pension schemes, for instance spinning off pension obligations by means of contractual trust arrangements.

Representation across Germany

Of course, we represent our clients across Germany in labour court proceedings before regional courts and labour courts as well as the German Federal Labour Court

Our advisory specialisations

  • Corporate restructuring
  • Business transfers including outsourcing
  • Labour law for company acquisitions and conversions including due diligence
  • Negotiation of works agreements, reconciliation of interests and social compensation plans, including arbitration proceedings
  • Co-determination and works constitution law
  • Collective bargaining law, in particular termination and (re-)negotiation of collective bargaining agreements; industrial dispute law
  • Arrangement and termination of employment contracts
  • Litigation, particularly protection against dismissal
  • Insolvency labour law
  • Company pension schemes, contractual trust agreements (CTA)
  • Employee participation programmes
  • Labour law in media companies, hospitals and the public sector
  • European labour law

Our services

In order to support restructuring measures under labour law, GÖRG has developed a tool which, in particular, makes the process of social selection faster as well as more legally secure and optimises its outcome with a view to the interests of the company.

Here you find our current brochure Labour and Employment Law.

Find out more about current legal developments in our blog "Re.Work – Successful labour law restructuring".

Other areas of expertise

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