"Formwirksamer Abschluss eines Grundstücksvertrags bei mit diesem beurkundeter aufschiebender Bedingung der Wirksamkeit eines nicht beurkundeten Durchführungsvertrags – Anmerkung zum Urteil des BGH vom 29.01.2021 – V ZR 139/19" [Formal conclusion of a real estate contract in the event of a condition precedent of the validity of a non-notarised implementation agreement notarised with the real estate contract - comment on the BGH judgment of 29.01.2021 - V ZR 139/19 (only available in German language)]
Formal conclusion of a real estate contract in the event of a condition precedent of the validity of a non-notarised implementation agreement notarised with the real estate contract - comment on the BGH judgment (only available in German language)
"ZfIR 7/2021, Seite 321" [ZfIR 7/2021, p. 321]