GÖRG advises Breitband Main-Kinzig GmbH on the development of tens of thousands of new gigabit connections

Frankfurt am Main, 17.05.2022

GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB advised Breitband Main-Kinzig GmbH on the procurement of services for the operation and expansion of region-wide gigabit connections in the Main-Kinzig district of Hessen. With the support of the federal government and the state of Hessen, the district will sustainably promote the district-wide expansion of gigabit connections and thus make them available to all citizens and businesses as well as prepare all municipal facilities for e-governance and digital administration.

In January 2022, the Main-Kinzig district was one of the first applicants in the new Grey Spots Programme (“Graue-Flecken-Programm”) of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) to receive the green light for a funded gigabit expansion. In total, the federal, state and local authorities are investing 200 million euros in the project. Through the Grey Spots Programme, municipalities or districts throughout Germany can apply for funding from the federal government for glass fibre expansion in so-called "Grey Spots", meaning areas with internet coverage of less than 100 megabits per second. On 10 May 2022, the first ground-breaking ceremony in Germany took place in the Main-Kinzig district as part of the funding programme.

For the expansion of the connections, the district relies on the district-owned Breitband Main-Kinzig GmbH. The company builds the passive network infrastructures with the help of public funding and leases them to a private network operator. A total of thousands of kilometres of glass fibre and empty conduits will be laid in the course of the project. The project is the largest infrastructure project in the almost 50-year history of the Main-Kinzig district.

Breitband Main-Kinzig GmbH will lay fibre optics wherever it is legally possible. In this way, the GmbH will ensure that the region and especially the rural areas remain attractive in the long term, that companies are competitive and that the district can catch up with international economic regions.

A GÖRG team led by Frankfurt partner Dr. Jan Peter Müller successfully advised Breitband Main-Kinzig GmbH on the procurement of the consultancy services, the service concession for operation, the civil engineering services and the supply of materials.


Advisors Breitband Main-Kinzig GmbH

GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB
Dr. Jan Peter Müller (Lead, Partner, Procurement Law, Frankfurt am Main)
Prof. Dr. Lutz Horn (Mandate-leading Partner, Procurement Law, Frankfurt am Main)
Johanna Ott (Associate, Procurement Law, Frankfurt am Main)
Ann-Kathrin Elsenbast (Associate, Procurement Law, Frankfurt am Main)


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