Dr. Jan Peter Müller, Portrait

Dr. Jan Peter Müller

Attorney (Germany) | Specialist for procurement law | Partner
Office Frankfurt am Main
Ulmenstrasse 30
Frankfurt am Main
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Dr. Jan Peter Müller is a specialist lawyer for public procurement law and a partner* at GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwäl-ten mbB in Frankfurt in the areas of public commercial law and public procurement. He advises both the public sector and national and international companies on complex legal matters in this area.

He specialises in public procurement, subsidy law and EU state aid law. He specialises in advising on complex investment and transaction projects in the public sector, in particular in the procurement of supply and disposal services, planning and construction services as well as in information and communication technology.

Dr. Jan Peter Müller goes beyond pure legal advice and also provides support in drafting project-related contracts. He represents his clients both out of court and in court. He also has a deep understanding of state and municipal issues, including privatisation, remunicipalisation, tax law and subsidy programmes.

Dr Jan Peter Müller regularly publishes specialist articles in legal journals and holds seminars on various topics of public procurement law.


*Not a partner within the meaning of the Partnership Act







Flick Gocke Schaumburg



Doctoral studies

Entan­g­le­ments of a doctoral project on a legal source-theoretical topic in the field of accounting law


Institute for Financial and Tax Law Heidelberg

Research assistant to Prof. Dr Dres. h.c. Paul Kirchhof (former judge of the Federal Consti­tu­tional Court)


Legal clerkship at the District Court of Frankenthal/Pfalz

Admini­s­t­rative Sciences Speyer (supple­mentary studies for trainee lawyers)

Commercial law firm in Bonn

Federal Audit Office


Ruprecht-Karls University in Heidelberg

Study of law

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Memberships and awards

JUVE Handbook 2021/2022: Rising star in public procurement law

JUVE Handbook 2022/2023: Rising star in public procurement law

JUVE Handbook 2023/2024: Rising star in public procurement law

Procurement Forum (Firm membership)

German Procurement Network

He was named as a recommended lawyer in the area of Public Law - Public Procurement Law by LEGAL 500 Germany (2022)

Teaching activities and lectures

Lecturer in international public law at the Worms University of Applied Sciences (2017 to 2018)

Co-Chairman of the Frankfurt regional group of the German Public Procurement Network (DVNW)

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