GÖRG launches new development stage of legal tech software for employment law restructuring measures

Cologne, 22.06.2021

GÖRG has launched the next stage in the development of its software tool to support restructuring measures under labour law. The tool makes in particular the process of social selection faster as well as legally more secure and optimises its result with a regard to operational interests. The development of a first version was already completed in November 2017, now the upgraded software is being launched with numerous new features. 

The complex legal requirements of restructuring mandates pose great challenges for companies and advisors alike due to the large amount of information and data that has to be taken into account at the same time. GÖRG's software solution automatically uses the imported data to generate a proposal for a social selection result for the company restructuring that is as legally secure as possible. Based on this, options for optimising the social selection are offered. For example, the tool is able to determine from a pool of legally recognised point schemes the one that comes closest to the target structure in the individual case. 

"Parallel to the successful use in various mandates, we have further developed our legal tech tool and added more functions. The new features, such as the consideration of age groups and an automatic comparison group formation according to individual specifications, and automated processes allow us to achieve even better results for our clients in even less time," says Dr. Frank Wilke, partner for labour and employment law at GÖRG in Cologne. "Thanks to further improved export functions, we can generate numerous evaluations at the push of a button and thus increase the transparency of the social selection even more." 

The automatic optimisation of the social selection has been extended by further features, such as the option of an age group formation. In addition, the user can now also have an automated comparison group formation generated by the tool and adapt it flexibly. Existing scope for decision-making is automatically shown. This ensures that not only the legal requirements are met, but also that operational requirements are taken into account within this framework. Employees' special rights to protection against dismissal are considered and the available alternatives to dismissal - e.g. transfers to another company or the conclusion of a termination agreement with employees "close to retirement" - are suggested by the system.

The features of the new software tool at a glance:

  • Import of data from the client's HR department via MS Excel interface
  • Validation and plausibility check of data during import
  • Automatic calculation of social points for social selection and determination of the "best" point scheme from a pool of recognised schemes
  • System-based creation and optimisation of comparison groups with the option to form age groups
  • Overview of alternatives to dismissal, e.g. transfers to vacant positions due to proximity to pensions, fixed-term contracts, own dismissals, etc.
  • Comparison of the result with the client's specifications and identification of legal decision-making leeway
  • Calculation of future personnel costs as well as potential savings and the costs of a possible social plan at the push of a button
  • Automated evaluations and partially automated document creation for procedures according to § 17 of the German Protection Against Unfair Dismissal Act (KSchG)
  • Export of data for any further processing via MS Excel interface

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