Anna Huschka

Anna Huschka, LL.M. (Stellenbosch)

Attorney | Associate
Office Cologne
Kennedyplatz 2


Anna Huschka, LL.M. advises national and international companies on all aspects of individual and collective labour law and represents clients before labour and civil courts.

She has experience in providing employment law advice in connection with restructuring and reorganisation of companies as well as acquisitions.

A further focus of her practice is advising companies on employment law in connection with the drafting, implementation and termination of employment and service contracts, as well as on operational and corporate co-determination.

She specialises in the metal and electrical industry, the chemical industry and the trade and service sector.

Client Services
Labour and Employment Law




Cologne Higher Regional Court

Legal clerkship

Commercial law firm, labor law boutique, German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Bratislava

University of Cologne

Study of law

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