Carsten Uphues, Portrait

Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) Carsten Uphues

Tax advisor | Employed Professional
Office Hamburg
Alter Wall 20-22


Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) Carsten Uphues is an associate at GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Hamburg. He specialises in tax, auditing and consulting.

As a tax consultant and qualified tax clerk, he has extensive specialist knowledge and a profound understanding of his clients' consulting approaches. Carsten Uphues offers services for small and medium-sized companies in the trade, services, industry and construction sectors as well as for the non-profit sector.

Carsten Uphues advises national and international companies on all aspects of tax law. In particular, he has considerable experience in providing tax advice to tax-privileged corporations and organisations that collect donations. These include educational institutions, rehabilitation centres, healthcare facilities and sports clubs. The advice is rounded off with tax optimisation and strategic solutions. 

He also specialises in providing tax advice to corporations in the areas of industry, trade, services and construction companies. He specialises in the areas of income tax law, reorganisation tax law and VAT law as well as the preparation of annual financial statements and tax returns.

Carsten Uphues provides traditional auditing services - from auditing annual and interim financial statements in accordance with national law to due diligence audits. He is also increasingly involved in advising on the introduction and expansion of tax compliance systems.




BWLS Stoffersen Partner­schaft mbB von Steuer­be­ratern, Wirtschafts­prüfern und Rechts­an­wälten



Medium-sized law, auditing and tax consul­tancy firm in Hamburg



Appointment as tax consultant


Medium-sized law, auditing and tax consul­tancy firm in Hamburg

Tax and audit assistant


Fachhoch­schule für Oekonomie und Management in Essen (FOM)

Part-time studies in business admini­s­t­ration (specia­lizing in tax law, leading to a Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) degree)


Heinz-Wilhelm Limberg, tax consultant, Bottrop

Employment as a tax clerk


Heinz-Wilhelm Limberg, tax consultant, Bottrop

Training as a tax clerk

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