GÖRG advises design brand Ingo Maurer on sale to Foscarini

Munich, 01.06.2022

GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB has advised Ingo Maurer Designer GmbH & Co. KG as shareholder of Ingo Maurer GmbH from Munich on the sale of 100 percent of its business shares in Ingo Maurer GmbH to the Italian Foscarini SpA. 

The owner-managed Ingo Maurer GmbH was founded in 1966 in Munich-Schwabing and has since developed into a world-renowned brand for lighting design. With the acquisition, Foscarini, a Venice-based company conceiving, creating and distributing decorative design lighting founded in 1981, intends to foster the development of the Ingo Maurer brand in global markets with the help of a worldwide sales network, while at the same time preserving its uniqueness.

Behind Ingo Maurer Designer GmbH Co. KG are the two daughters of the late founder Ingo Maurer. One of the two daughters acquired a 10 percent reverse shareholding in Ingo Maurer GmbH. The legal support of the buyer side was provided by Andersen.

A GÖRG team led by experienced Munich M&A partner Dr Bernt Paudtke successfully assisted the Ingo Maurer Designer GmbH & Co. KG in the transaction with corporate, licensing law and tax law advice.

Aquin & Cie. AG advised the Ingo Maurer Designer GmbH & Co. KG as financial advisor.

Advisors Ingo Maurer Designer GmbH & Co. KG

GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB 
Dr. Bernt Paudtke (Lead, Partner, M&A/Corporate Law, Munich)
Dr. Oliver Spieker (Partner, IP/Commercial and Distribution Law, Berlin) 
Tobias Reichenberger (Associated Partner, M&A/Corporate Law, Munich) 
Moritz von Limburg, LL.B, LL.M. (UCT) (Associate, M&A/Corporate Law, Munich) 
Dilan Mienert (Associate, IP/Commercial and Distribution Law, Berlin)
Dipl.-Kfm. Benjamin Karten (Partner, Tax, Hamburg)

Advisors Buyer

Paolo Trevisanato (Lead)
Stefan Kraus
Alessio Rossi
Nicole Frigo
Serena Quaranta
Johannes Voss
Christian Jaenecke
Sara Cancian

About Ingo Maurer GmbH

Ingo Maurer GmbH is an owner-managed company which has developed and produced extraordinary designer lighting for the last 50 years. Apart from that, the company has gained public as well as international recognition with the execution of design assignments. Some of the most well-known designs for series production are Bulb (1966), the low-voltage system YaYaHo (1984) and the Flügellampe Lucellino (a bulb-with-wings design) (1992). The lighting and interior design of the Radisson Collection Hotel in Tsinandali, Georgia, the lighting at the subway stations ‘Westfriedhof’ (1998), ‘Münchner Freiheit’ (2009) and ‘Marienplatz’ (2015) in Munich, as well as the pendulum ‘Flying to Peace’ for the Frankfurt trade fair (2018) and the ‘Silver Cloud’ for the Munich Residenztheater (2019) are just some of the highlights on a long list of commissioned projects and spectacular individual pieces created for private clients and public buildings.

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