GÖRG Advises BUTLERS' Insolvency Administrator


[Cologne, ] The creditors in the BUTLERS GmbH & Co. KG and BUTLERS Handel GmbH insolvency proceedings decided to accept the insolvency plans at the respective meetings held to discuss and vote on the plans on 31 July 2017. As a result, a good seven months after the applications for insolvency proceedings were filed, the pre-conditions that allow the court to terminate the proceedings under the administration of the GÖRG partner Dr. Jörg Bornheimer have now been fulfilled. Across Germany, about 800 jobs have been rescued and 74 BUTLERS’ branches will remain open for business.

GÖRG assisted the insolvency administrator, in particular by advising him in the areas of restructuring, employment law and real estate law.

Advisors to the insolvency administrator

GÖRG: Dr. Mike Westkamp (Restructuring), Dr. Frank Wilke (Employment Law), Dr. Markus Heider, Dr. Wolf zur Nieden and Malik Djouah (all Real Estate Law)

Advisors to Butlers

Runkel Schneider Weber: Dr. Jens Schmidt and Marion Rodine

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