Successful takeover of the insolvent Berlin-based Top Autoteile GmbH

Berlin, 03.05.2022

Top Autoteile - EDV & Kommunikationsservice GmbH in Berlin, which is being administered by GÖRG in the insolvency proceedings, has been rescued: The business operations of the insolvent supplier will be taken over by Wütschner Fahrzeugteile GmbH, based in Schweinfurt, on 16 May.

Founded in 1997 and owner-managed, Top Autoteile - EDV & Kommunikationsservice GmbH is one of the largest automotive parts suppliers in Berlin and Potsdam with a customer base of over 6,000 workshops. In February 2022, the company was forced to file for insolvency at the Charlottenburg (Berlin) District Court. Experienced restructuring expert Prof. Dr. Torsten Martini, a partner at GÖRG, was then appointed as provisional insolvency administrator. 

Together with his colleague Nico Reisener, Mr. Martini initiated a sales process, with the support of the experienced M&A advisors of the restructuring partners RSP GmbH & Co. KG, to rescue the company, which has now been successfully concluded: Wütschner Fahrzeugteile GmbH, which operates throughout Germany, is taking over almost all of Top Autoteile GmbH's assets. The insolvency administration will initially continue to run the business until 16 May, before the economic transfer to Wütschner then takes place with effect from 1 May.

Thanks to the takeover, the business operations of Top Autoteile GmbH as well as all jobs of the 37 employees will be sustainably preserved. 



Insolvency Administration
GÖRG Rechtsanwälte/Insolvenzverwalter GbR
Prof. Dr. Torsten Martini (Insolvency Administrator, Partner, Insolvency Law, Berlin)
Nico Reisener, LL.M. (Employed Professional, Restructuring, Berlin)

Restrukturierungspartner RSP GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Robert Tobias
Philipp Hendel
Raphael Bringezu


Profilbild_Martini, Torsten

Prof. Dr. Torsten Martini

Profilbild_Reisener, Nico

Nico Reisener, LL.M.

Employed Professional

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