Handbook of Insolvency Law (3rd, revised edition 2024)

RSW Verlag, 3rd, newly edited edition 2024, ed. Prof. Dr. Gerrit Hölzle and Prof. Dr. Reinhard Bork

April 2024

As editors, GÖRG partners Prof Dr Gerrit Hölzle and Prof Dr Reinhard Bork, with the active support of other experts in insolvency law, including the other GÖRG partners Dr Karl-Friedrich Curtze, Prof Dr Torsten Martini and Joachim C. Mohlitz, provide a comprehensive and practical presentation of the entire field of insolvency law.

The updated handbook offers a quick and in-depth introduction to all topics relating to insolvency proceedings and provides valuable guidance for everyday professional life. It comprehensively takes into account the latest legal changes, including the Reorganisation and Insolvency Law Further Development Act (SanInsFoG), the Act to Further Shorten Residual Debt Discharge Proceedings and the Act to Mitigate the Consequences of the Corona Pandemic. All chapters have been brought up to date to ensure a comprehensive presentation.

Further information on the book:

RWS Handbook
3rd, newly edited edition 2024
Hardcover 2092 pages
RWS publishing house, Cologne
ISBN 978-3-8145-1022-

Click here for the book.

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