GÖRG advises Trianel Energieprojekte GmbH & Co. KG on the development and realisation of solar parks in Bitburger Land

Cologne, 18.07.2023

On 30 June 2023, Trianel Energieprojekte GmbH & Co. KG celebrated the inauguration of eight solar parks in Bitburger Land (Rhineland-Palatinate). GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB provided comprehensive legal advice on the project development of the solar parks.

With around 200 invited guests, the municipal project developer celebrated the commissioning of the eight ground-mounted plants in the local communities of Halsdorf, Bettingen, Gransdorf, Orsfeld, Wilsecker, Badem and Gindorf.

Trianel Energieprojekte GmbH & Co. KG is a 100% subsidiary of Trianel GmbH. Within one year, it has realised eight solar parks with a total capacity of 80 MWpeak in the Bitburger Land region. With the help of these solar parks, up to 37,000 households can be supplied with climate-friendly electricity every year and around 40,000 tonnes of CO2 can be saved. A total of almost 200,000 solar modules were installed for this purpose. Trianel also built two transformer stations in the region for the eight solar parks, as the grid capacity was already exhausted. The expansion of renewable energies is a cornerstone of Trianel GmbH's growth strategy.

GÖRG provided comprehensive legal support to the projects from the outset under the leadership of Cologne partner Jan Schellenberger. GÖRG advised on all legal issues in connection with securing land, urban land use planning and regulatory aspects. In addition, GÖRG supported Trianel in the context of the conclusion of the construction and management agreements, the financing and the structuring of the sale.

For the next few years, Trianel is already planning further energy projects to continue its commitment in the Bitburger Land region, the construction of additional open-space solar plants with a capacity of around 140 MWpeak as well as further wind projects.

Advisors Trianel Energieprojekte GmbH & Co. KG

GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB 
Jan Schellenberger (Partner, Plant Construction Law)
Dr. Ilka Mainz (Associate Partner, Energy Law)
Michael Winkelhog (Associate Partner, Corporate/Energy Law)
Niklas Fietz (Associate, Public Commercial Law, all Cologne)


Jan Schellenberger, Portrait

Jan Schellenberger

Dr. Ilka Mainz, Portrait

Dr. Ilka Mainz

Associated Partner
Michael Winkelhog, Portrait

Michael Winkelhog

Profilbild_Fietz, Niklas

Niklas Fietz


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