Annika Schulenberg, Portrait

Annika Schulenberg

Attorney (Germany) | Associate
Obernstrasse 2-12
Alter Wall 20-22
+49 40 500360


Annika Schulenberg is an associate at GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Bremen and Hamburg. She specializes in particular in the areas of insolvency law and restructuring. With her skills, she offers national and international companies comprehensive advice on crises and restructuring.

Her expertise covers complex self-administration and insolvency plan proceedings as well as pre-insolvency restructuring. One focus is on restructuring proceedings under the German Corporate Stabilization and Restructuring Act (StaRUG). Annika Schulenberg is characterized by her in-depth knowledge of the legal options, structuring possibilities and risks in the restructuring context. A further focus of Annika Schulenberg's work is the provision of legal advice on restructuring. As an associate at GÖRG, she contributes her specific knowledge to the drafting of contracts and advises medium-sized companies on corporate law, commercial law and capital market-related matters.

Her practice focuses on the trade and services, real estate and automotive sectors. Annika Schulenberg pursues a holistic approach to support companies in various phases of crises, taking into account the individual needs of her clients.







Doctorate with Prof Dr Thole on an insol­vency law topic

University of Cologne


University of Bremen

Lectures in civil law


Admitted to the bar


Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Hamburg

Legal clerkship

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (Department for Insol­vency Law)


Graduated with the second state exami­nation with the grade "good"


University of Bremen

Study of law, graduated with the first state exami­nation with the grade "very good" (15.33 points)

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Memberships and awards

Study Award for outstanding achievements in the field of commercial law (Association for the Promotion of Commercial Law at the University of Bremen e.V., June 2016)

Study Award for Excellence in the Legal Mandatory Examination (University of Bremen, November 2017)

Teaching activities and lectures

Study groups at the University of Bremen during your studies

Lecture representations in the field of general civil law (during legal clerkship)

University of Bremen in teaching in the field of general civil law

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