GÖRG advises the Turkish bank Yapı Kredi on the acquisition of the German private bank Bankhaus J. Faisst

Frankfurt am Main, 08.08.2024

GÖRG, led by Frankfurt partner Dr Markus Söhnchen, has advised the major Turkish bank Yapı Kredi on the acquisition of the German private bank Bankhaus J. Faisst OHG based in Wolfach from the owner families Ludwig and Faisst.

Yapı Kredi is one of the largest banks in Turkey with a network of more than 781 branches. Due to its large number of customers and its commitment to the Turkish market, Yapı Kredi is one of the first Turkish banks to establish correspondent banking relationships with a large number of financial institutions and to conduct foreign business.

The bank Bankhaus J. Faisst was founded in Wolfach in 1926. In 1953, the banking business was converted into the legal form of a partnership.

With the takeover of the bank, Yapı Kredi enters the German banking market and the banking business with private and corporate clients in Germany.

A GÖRG team based in Frankfurt under the lead of Dr Markus Söhnchen provided Yapı Kredi with comprehensive legal advice on the execution and the closing of the transaction as well as on a subsequent capital increase in Bankhaus J. Faisst.

Advisors Yapı Kredi

GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB 
Dr Markus Söhnchen (Lead Partner, M&A/Corporate Law, Frankfurt)
Dr Volker Baas (Of Counsel, Banking Regulatory Law, Frankfurt)
Dr Gerhard Gündel (Counsel, M&A/Corporate Law, Frankfurt)
Dr Alexander Insam (Partner, Labour and Employment Law, Frankfurt)
Dr Martin Hörtz (Partner, Labour and Employment Law, Frankfurt)
Mert Kilic (Associate, Banking Regulatory Law, Frankfurt)
Timo Jans (Associate, M&A/Corporate Law, Frankfurt)
Sarah Lahmer (Associate, Labour and Employment Law, Frankfurt)


Profilbild_Markus Söhnchen

Dr. Markus Söhnchen


Dr. Volker Baas, M.P.A. (Harvard)

Of Counsel
Profilbild Gerhard Gündel

Dr. Gerhard Gündel

Profilbild_Insam, Alexander

Dr. Alexander Insam, M.A.

Hörtz, Martin_GÖRG

Dr. Martin Hörtz

Portrait Mert Kilic

Mert Kilic

Profil Timo Jans

Timo Jans

Lahmer, Sarah

Sarah Lahmer


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