Press Releases | Finance and I...
Press Releases | Finance and Insurance
GÖRG advises the Turkish bank Yapı...
Sarah Lahmer is an associate at GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Frankfurt. Her focus is on advising national and international companies and financial market participants on individual and collective labour law, in particular in the context of corporate transactions.
In addition, Sarah Lahmer specialises in the development and implementation of remuneration systems for credit institutions, financial service providers and securities institutions. Her knowledge covers the relevant regulatory requirements in these sectors.
Sarah Lahmer is also actively involved in the AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers), a globally recognised organisation, which underlines her interest in international networking and professional exchange.
European commercial law firm
Lawyer in the field of labour and remuneration law
Admitted to the bar
BIG 4 law firm
Legal clerkship
European commercial law firm
Area of labour and compensation law, second state examination
University of Mannheim
Study of law, first state examination
AIJA - International Association of Young Lawyers
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