Dr. Axel Czarnetzki, LL.M., Portrait

Dr. Axel Czarnetzki, LL.M.

Attorney (Germany) | Specialist for information technology law | FOM-certified data protection risk manager | Partner
Office Munich
Prinzregentenstrasse 22


Dr Axel Czarnetzki, LL.M. is a partner at GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtanwälten mbB in Munich. With many years of experience and extensive expertise, he advises national and international companies on all aspects of information technology and data protection law. As a specialist lawyer for information technology law and FOM-certified data protection risk manager, he has special qualifications and knowledge in this specialised area of law.

He specialises in drafting individual and framework agreements for IT projects and supporting clients in their implementation. He is also responsible for legal project controlling, advising steering committees and, on request, external project management. His expertise also extends to advising on and drafting licence and distribution agreements for software and technology services. In the area of data protection, his expertise covers all issues under the GDPR and the BDSG; he advises church legal entities on data protection issues under the KDG and KDG-DVO, e.g. data protection concepts, data protection impact assessments or the handling of reportable incidents.

He primarily supports clients from the IT and telecommunications sector, the media industry, the wholesale trade, the logistics industry and public corporations in the tendering and implementation of IT services (in particular various (arch)dioceses).

Dr Axel Czarnetzki is a founding member of the Münchner Fachanwaltstag IT-Recht e.V., as well as a member of the IT Law Working Group of the German Bar Association and the DGRI Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik e.V..







Sozietät PwC Veltins Rechts­an­walts­ge­sell­schaft



Sozietät Heuking Kühn Lüer Heussen Wojtek



Lawyer and later partner at the Munich law firm Heussen, Braun & von Kessel

Temporary head of the Weimar office after the reuni­fi­cation of the two German states


Disser­tation with Prof. Dr Waldemar Hummer, University of Innsbruck

Title: "Selective Distri­bution Systems in the European Union


Master's degree in European Integ­ration (Law, Politics and Economics of the European Communities) at the Europa-Institut of Saarland University

Master's thesis


Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Kempten, Munich and Augsburg

Legal clerkship

Second state exami­nation


University of Saarbrücken, Freiburg and Munich

Studied law with a focus on labour law and European law


Ludwig Maximi­lians-University Munich

First state exami­nation

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Memberships and awards

Munich Bar Association

German Bar Association

Arbeitsgemeinschaft IT-Recht im Deutschen Anwaltverein

DGRI Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik e.V.

Vorstandsmitglied des Münchner Fachanwaltstag IT-Recht e.V.

Teaching activities and lectures

Self-driving cars, Emergency algorithms in automated street traffic, (in German), Calvisto career fair at the University of Passau, 22.11.2018

Cloud services: AWS usage - Opportunity and risk, contract structure and data protection (in German), 15.11.2018, 8th Münchner Fachanwaltstag IT-Recht (8th Munich IT Law Specialists Conference)

GDPR implementation - risk coverage through IT risk insurance (in German), presentation to MunichRe (insurance company), Schloss Hohenkammer, 13.07.2018

GDPR implementation, Project management for GoLive. Presentation for Deutsch Berufsförderungswerke Bundesverband (German Federal Association of Vocational Training Centers), Berlin, 29.01.201

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