Articles | Public Sector
Articles | Public Sector
Handbook "Sustainability in Public...
Dr Simon Manzke, MAG. RER. PUBL. is an associate at GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Hamburg. His expertise focuses on the legal areas of public commercial law and public procurement.
As an associate, Dr Simon Manzke deals with all questions of public commercial law. He specialises in particular in public procurement law, subsidy and grant law, EU state aid law and the German Supply Chain Obligations Act (LkSG). Thanks to his specialised knowledge, he is able to offer legal support to national and international clients in legal matters.
In addition to his advisory work as a lawyer, Dr Manzke is also known as the author of numerous publications in the field of public law and contract law. His expertise ranges from academic commentaries on public procurement law and the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act to regular contributions to the juris PraxisReport on public procurement law topics.
Admitted as a lawyer
Doctorate at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg
Dissertation on a fundamental topic in the general law of obligations
German University of Administrative Sciences (DUV) in Speyer
Postgraduate studies in administrative sciences with a focus on public procurement and state aid law with a master's degree in administrative sciences (Mag. rer. publ.)
Legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Hamburg
Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection in Berlin
German University of Administrative Sciences (DUV) in Speyer
Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and Brooklyn Law School (New York City)
Study of law
Procurement Forum
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