GÖRG supports DIN in its transformation - DIN sets new standard with MaxiFlex

Frankfurt am Main, 13.05.2024

GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB advised DIN e.V. (DIN) on a transformation project for the reorganisation of DIN Media and its second subsidiary DIN Software under the leadership of Frankfurt partner Dr. Alexander Insam. The subsidiary Beuth Verlag des DIN e.V. was renamed DIN Media. 

The renaming of the former publishing house as part of the 100th anniversary celebrations stands for a new self-image: DIN Media focuses on the development of innovative, digital services and sees itself as a multimedia, increasingly internationally oriented content, data and software provider for all aspects of standardisation. 

In this context, DIN is also realigning its internal organisation and structures.  With a modern, sustainable working time and remuneration model, known as MaxiFlex, the company is adapting more flexibly to current needs and future challenges. In future, this model will offer its approximately 850 employees the opportunity to work different lengths of time within a corridor for full-time work of between 35 and 42 hours, depending on their stage of life. To this end, standardised working conditions were created and a total of around 20 works agreements were negotiated with the two works councils over a period of six months. 

The particular challenge of this project lay in the combination of organisational, tax, company and labour law issues.

"Good employees are the foundation for any successful organisation. We are delighted that we were able to support DIN in this pioneering and sustainable project. DIN is thus also setting ESG HR standards for the future on its own behalf," commented Dr Insam on the project. The GÖRG partner and labour law expert had already advised DIN on the topics of "mobile working" and "sabbaticals" in 2022.

Advisors DIN

GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB (Legal, Overall Coordination)
Dr Alexander Insam, M.A. (Lead Partner, Labour and Employment Law, Frankfurt am Main)
Burkhard Fabritius, MBA (Partner, Labour and Employment Law, Hamburg)
Dr Martin Hörtz (Partner, Labour Labour and Employment Lawam Main)
Dr Markus Söhnchen (Partner, Corporate Law, Frankfurt am Main)
Dr Gerhard Gündel (Counsel, Corporate Law, Frankfurt am Main)
Rolf-Alexander Markgraf (Counsel, Labour and Employment LawHamburg)
Timo Jans (Associate, Corporate Law, Frankfurt am Main)
Sarah Lahmer (Associate, Labour and Employment Law, Frankfurt am Main)

Kienbaum Consultants International GmbH (Remuneration)
Anne-Katrin Rossner
Dr. Martin von Hören

DIN Inhouse

Karsten Bich (CHRO)
Julia von Tschirnhaus (Head of HR)
Astrid Wirges (CLO)
Gunnar Gruß (Head of Finance, Taxes)
Sebastian Kriegsmann (CIO)
Dustin Höfer (HR)
Anja Rädler (HR)
Lennart Schauwecker (OE)

Advisor Works Councils

ZEHN+ Kanzlei für Arbeitsrecht
Carolin Auerbach


Profilbild_Insam, Alexander

Dr. Alexander Insam, M.A.

Burkhard Fabritius, MBA, Portrait

Burkhard Fabritius, MBA

Hörtz, Martin_GÖRG

Dr. Martin Hörtz

Profilbild_Markus Söhnchen

Dr. Markus Söhnchen

Profilbild Gerhard Gündel

Dr. Gerhard Gündel

Rolf-Alexander Markgraf, Portrait

Rolf-Alexander Markgraf

Lahmer, Sarah

Sarah Lahmer


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