Implementation of Trianel Borkum II Wind Farm Proceeds to Next Level


[Cologne, ] GÖRG advised Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum II GmbH & Co. KG (TWB II) on the legal issues involved in its search for an investor for the Trianel Borkum II wind farm. TWB II has now obtained the requisite financing and made its investment decision (construction decision), which means the ‘Financial Close’ has taken place. All suppliers, including Senvion, the turbine vendor, have received notices to proceed, which means all project-related contracts have therefore entered into force and effect.

As a result, the project will now enter the next development phase. The offshore wind farm will consist of 32 Senvion 6.2M152 turbines with power upgrade installed in waters with a depth of between 25 and 35 meters. With annual production of approximately 800 million kilowatt hours, the wind farm will generate enough electricity for an average of 210,000 households. Located 45 kilometres to the north of the Island of Borkum in the German North Sea, the Trianel Borkum II wind farm is expected to be completed by the late 2019.

GÖRG has a client relationship with the Trianel Group that dates back many years. It currently advises the cooperative venture of municipalities and their project companies in connection with a large number of major development projects, including project financing. After providing extensive legal advice in connection with project development and financing for Phase I of the Trianel Borkum wind farm, GÖRG is now also assisting the client as the project moves forward in the second phase of project development and financing.

Advisors to Trianel

GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB
Dr. Achim Compes (Team Lead), Partner, M&A, Energy, Cologne
Dr. Jörn Nissen, Partner, Corporate, Cologne
Dr. Mark O. Kersting, Partner, Finance, Frankfurt am Main
Thoralf Herbold, Partner, Energy, Cologne
Dr. Ruth Büchl-Winter, Associated Partner, M&A, Corporate, Cologne
Dr. Christian Bürger, Associated Partner, Competition, Cologne
Dr. Judith Vergoßen, Associate, Energy, Cologne
Thorsten Kirch, Associate, Energy, Cologne
Sherjeel Chaudhry, Associate, Finance, Frankfurt am Main


Dr. Achim Compes, Portrait

Dr. Achim Compes

Dr. Mark Oliver Kersting, Portrait

Dr. Mark O. Kersting, LL.M.

Thoralf Herbold, Portrait

Thoralf Herbold

Dr. Ruth Büchl-Winter, Portrait

Dr. Ruth Büchl-Winter

Dr. Christian Buerger

Dr. Christian Bürger

Thorsten Kirch, Portrait

Thorsten Kirch


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