Dipl.-Kfm. Tilman Jung, Portrait

Dipl.-Kfm. Tilman Jung

Auditor | Tax advisor | Partner
Office Hamburg
Alter Wall 20-22


Tilman Jung is an auditor and tax consultant as well as a partner at BWLS Partnerschaft mbB in Hamburg. With his sound training and many years of experience, he is a competent contact for clients in the areas of auditing and tax consultancy.

At BWLS, Tilman Jung specialises in auditing national and international companies. As an expert in his field, he ensures that annual financial statements and other financial documents comply with legal requirements and standards. His expertise includes, in particular, the valuation of inventories, work in progress and finished goods as well as the auditing of budgeted accounts.

As a partner at BWLS, Tilman Jung works closely with a team of experts to support clients in reorganisation and restructuring projects as well as insolvency proceedings. With his expertise, he recognises, analyses and designs business and financial contexts, taking into account possible tax implications. He also has extensive experience in the preparation and auditing of complex business planning calculations, company valuations and reorganisation reports.


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