Press Releases
Press Releases
GÖRG announces eight new partners
Oliver Dankert, LL.M. (Cape Town) is a lawyer and partner at GÖRG Insolvenzverwaltung Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Hamburg. He is appointed as an insolvency administrator by the insolvency courts in Hamburg, Norderstedt, Pinneberg and Itzehoe and advises companies from various sectors on reorganisation and restructuring.
Specialising in insolvency and restructuring law, Oliver Dankert supports and advises his clients in court insolvency proceedings and out-of-court restructuring processes. With a focus on the mail order and online retail sectors, among others, he has already acted as insolvency administrator and legal advisor in these industries on several occasions.
Oliver Dankert has particular experience in the areas of transport, logistics and IT companies. His expertise and many years of experience have earned him an excellent reputation in the insolvency sector. As a member of important professional organisations such as the North German Insolvency Forum (NIF) and the German Association of Insolvency Administrators (VID), he provides valuable support for companies in difficult economic situations.
Nationally active insolvency law firm
Partner, appointed as insolvency administrator
Specialist lawyer for insolvency law
Admitted to the bar
Legal clerkship in Hamburg
University in Hamburg and Cape Town
Study of law
Northern Germany Insolvency Forum
New Association of Insolvency Administrators
Working Group for Insolvency in the German Bar Association
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