Corona crisis: The most important information compactly prepared


The beginning of the corona crisis poses new challenges for the German legal system. In order to assist our clients in this difficult and only partially controllable situation, our experts have summarised the most important effects, possibilities and procedures with regard to the corona crisis for you.

It is our goal as a law firm to provide our clients with full and professional support, especially during this period.

Your contact person: Do you have any questions about our updates and the topic of Corona in general, or would you like to be included on our mailing list for all Corona information? Then please feel free to register at coronaresponse [at] (coronaresponse[at]goerg[dot]de).


All information compactly arranged:

Legal Updates:

Antitrust Law

Banking and Banking Regulatory Law, Financing

Construction Law

Cooperative Law

Corporate Law

Energy Law

Insolvency Administration & Restructuring

Insurance Law

Labour and Employment Law

Mergers & Acquisitions

Procurement Law

Public Commercial Law

Real Estate Law


Online Events and Livestreams:


Labour and Employment Law


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