Alexander Pustal

Attorney (Germany) | Specialist for Public Procurement Law | Associated Partner

Portraitbild A. Pustal
Office Bremen
Obernstrasse 2-12
+49 69 17 0000 228
apustal [at]
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Alexander Pustal advises the public sector as well as nationally and internationally active companies in the area of public commercial law and public procurement.

He focuses on sustainable procurement, circular economy and public-private partnerships.



Alexander Pustal specializes in advising federal, state and local governments as well as private companies on public procurement and related legal issues, e.g., in the areas of budgetary, municipal and grant law. In particular, he advises public clients on all stages of procurement projects, including aspects of sustainable procurement and cooperation models.

He has extensive experience in advising on public procurement law, in particular with regard to large-volume procurement and infrastructure projects in the field of waste management as well as in connection with planning services. Another focus of Mr. Pustal's practice is strategic advice, for example in connection with public-private partnerships or public-public cooperations. Furthermore, Mr. Pustal represents public clients and private companies in review and appeal proceedings under public procurement law.

Mr. Pustal is a regular author of the juris Praxisreport on Public Procurement Law and author of the 6th edition of the juris Praxiskommentar Vergaberecht (Practical Commentary on Public Procurement Law) on regulations in the area of the GWB, the VgV, the UVgO, the VOB/A(-EU) and the VOB/A-VS. Furthermore, he regularly holds seminars on public procurement law. 


Alexander Pustal is an Associated Partner at GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB. Before joining GÖRG, he worked as a lawyer in the public procurement law departments of two major law firms in Berlin.

After studying law at the European University Viadrina and the Free University of Berlin, Alexander Pustal completed his legal traineeship in Berlin and Düsseldorf, with stations at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, a major international law firm, and the central legal department of a leading recycling and environmental services provider. 

Mr. Pustal has been practicing as an attorney since 2017 and has held the title of specialist attorney for public procurement law since 2020.

Memberships and awards

  • forum vergabe e.V
  • DVNW Deutsches Vergabenetzwerk 

Teaching activities and lectures

  • Mr. Pustal is a regular lecturer on public procurement law topics at vhw - Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung (e.g. advanced training for public purchasers), at the Deutscher Vergabeetzwerk (sustainability criteria in public procurement law) and at


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