Dr. Henning Wendt, Portrait

Dr. Henning Wendt

Attorney (Germany) | Specialist for administrative law | Partner
Office Hamburg
Alter Wall 20-22


Dr Henning Wendt is a partner* at GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Hamburg. As a specialist lawyer for administrative law, he has extensive expertise in the areas of environmental and planning law as well as public commercial law, including public procurement law and EU state aid law. He has extensive experience in litigation before the Federal Administrative Court and the courts of first instance of the administrative jurisdiction as well as before the public procurement senates of the higher regional courts and the public procurement chambers. With his focus on environmental and planning law as well as public commercial law, Dr Henning Wendt offers advice to the public sector as well as national and international clients.

Dr Henning Wendt supports infrastructure projects and advises on complex procurement projects. His industry focus includes the public sector (advising authorities and public companies), the energy industry and the property industry. With his specialist expertise and extensive experience, Dr Henning Wendt is a valued contact for environmental and planning law, public commercial law, public procurement law and EU state aid law.


*Not a partner within the meaning of the Partnership Act








Associated Partner


Hanseatic Bar Association Hamburg

Specia­lised lawyer for admini­s­t­rative law





Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, Hamburg

Second state exami­nation


Bucerius Law School, Hamburg

Doctorate (Dr iur.)

2011 - 2013

Legal clerkship, Hamburg

Civil station: Hamburg Regional Court, Chamber for Commercial Matters

White & Case LLP, Hamburg and Palo Alto (USA)

Elective 1: Federal Consti­tu­tional Court (Prof. Dr Masing)

Admini­s­t­rative station: Ministry of the Interior and Sport, Hamburg

Elective stage 2: Graf von Westphalen Rechts­an­wälte, Hamburg

2008 – 2011

Bucerius Law School, Hamburg

Research Assistant, Chair of Public Law III - Prof. Dr Michael Fehling, LL.M. (Berkeley)

2008 – 2009

White & Case LLP, Hamburg

Research Assistant


Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, Hamburg

First state exami­nation


Bucerius Law School, Hamburg

Bacxhelor of Laws (LL.B.)


Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Semester abroad

2003 – 2008

Bucerius Law School, Hamburg

Study of law with a focus on public commercial law

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Memberships and awards

International Environmental Law Conference Hamburg (IURT)

German Bar Association (DAV)

Hamburg Bar Association (HAV)

Member of the editorial advisory board of the Journal for Public Law in Northern Germany

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