Prozessführung und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
Client Services

Litigation and Arbitration

We will find the right strategy for dispute resolution and then adopt this approach consistently with our specialists in all areas of business law.

With the right strategy, we will ensure the success of your business

We will advise you in all legal disputes and collaborate with you to find economically viable ways of resolving disputes.

If dispute resolution is necessary, we will represent you in all court and arbitration proceedings.

Our practice is not restricted to drafting legal documents; instead, we take on all aspects of litigation.

The strategy for your success


During litigation, we will adapt your statements in a way to ensure they are legally sound and persuasive in the case. We also always aim to reach an economically viable conclusion in litigation. Our years of experience in court proceedings of all magnitudes and our specialists' expertise in all areas of business law will work to your benefit.


Arbitration works differently: the first concern is properly drafting an arbitration clause and selecting the most favourable arbitral institution possible for your matter. Selecting the right arbitrator is at least as important as a legally accurate and factually persuasive submission.

We will assist you with our years of experience and our extensive network of experienced arbitrators.

Our advisory specialisations

  • Legally sound drafting of relevant contract provisions (drafting contracts to avoid disputes, selecting the place of jurisdiction etc.)
  • Early selection of a promising strategy along with clear and objective assessment of the available alternatives
  • Elimination of existing contract risks and support in handling contracts
  • Seeking out opportunities for extrajudicial dispute resolution as a strategic advisor or negotiator
  • Continuous review of the conflict strategy considering legal and economic perspectives
  • Selecting a favourable arbitral tribunal
  • Taking over all aspects of dispute resolution management
  • Determining the relevant merits of the case in direct coordination with employees or external third parties
  • Collecting evidence for use in court
  • Cooperation with expert witnesses (auditors, technical experts etc.)
  • Carrying out appropriate public relations work during litigation
  • Clear recommendations for filing appeals
  • Enforcement after a successful outcome in Germany and abroad

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