GÖRG Employment Tracker, 05/2022

Cologne, 02.05.2022

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With our Employment Tracker we regularly look into the "future of labour law" for you! At the beginning of each month we present the most important decisions expected for the month from the Federal Labour Court (BAG) and the European Court of Justice (ECJ) as well as other courts. We report on the results in the issue of the following month. In addition, we point out upcoming milestones in legislative initiatives by politicians, so that you know today what you can expect tomorrow.

This time in focus:

Recent decisions

  • Establishment of an employment relationship in accordance with Sec. 9, 10 German Temporary Employment Act (AÜG)
  • Accident insurance coverage during an introductory internship?

Upcoming decisions

  • Entitlement to company pension adjustment
  • Overtime compensation - Burden of proof and presentation in overtime litigation

Legislative initiatives, important notifications & applications

  • Draft Law on the Implementation of the Working Conditions Directive in Civil Law
  • Draft Law for Better Protection of Whistleblowers and for the Implementation of the Directive on the Protection of Persons Reporting Infringements of Union Law (Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz) - HinSchG)
  • Draft Law on the Implementation of the Provisions of the Transformation Directive on Employee Participation in  Cross-Border Transformations, Mergers and Demergers

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