GÖRG Employment Tracker, 08/2023

Cologne, 08.08.2023

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With our Employment Tracker we regularly look into the "future of labour law" for you! At the beginning of each month we present the most important decisions expected for the month from the Federal Labour Court (BAG) and the European Court of Justice (ECJ) as well as other courts. We report on the results in the issue of the following month. In addition, we point out upcoming milestones in legislative initiatives by politicians, so that you know today what you can expect tomorrow.

This time in focus:

Recent decisions

  • Effectiveness of an Arbitration Committee's Decision to Establish a Social Plan in the Case of Economic Unreasonableness
  • No prohibition of exploitation in the case of open video surveillance
  • Collective dismissal: Purpose of the obligation to inform under Art. 2(3) of the Collective Redundancies Directive - Preliminary ruling of the Federal Labour Court

Upcoming decisions

  • Effectiveness of a fixed-term employ-ment contract without material basis - Requirements for compliance with the written form requirement in the event of a subsequent change to the fixed term
  • Requirements for the application of the presumption of conformity pursuant to Section 125 (1) sentence 1 no. 1 InsO
  • Duty to inquire about shift schedule changes outside of working hours?
  • Continued employment pending final resolution of a labour dispute

Legislative initiatives, important notifications & applications

  • Regulation on the revision of the noti-fication of insured events in statutory accident insurance


Dr. Ulrich Fülbier, Portrait

Dr. Ulrich Fülbier

Dr. Thomas Bezani, Portrait

Dr. Thomas Bezani

Dr. Axel Dahms, Portrait

Dr. Axel Dahms

Burkhard Fabritius, MBA, Portrait

Burkhard Fabritius, MBA

Freihube, Dirk_Profilbild

Dr. Dirk Freihube

Dr. Ralf Hottgenroth, Portrait

Dr. Ralf Hottgenroth

Hörtz, Martin_GÖRG

Dr. Martin Hörtz

Profilbild_Insam, Alexander

Dr. Alexander Insam, M.A.

Christoph Mueller

Dr. Christoph J. Müller

Dr. Lars Nevian, Portrait

Dr. Lars Nevian

Dr. Marcus Richter, Portrait

Dr. Marcus Richter

Dr. Frank Wilke, Portrait

Dr. Frank Wilke


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