Dr. Katharina Landes, Portrait

Dr. Katharina Landes

Attorney (Germany) | Partner
Office Cologne
Kennedyplatz 2


Dr. Katharina Landes is a lawyer and partner at GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Cologne. With extensive expertise in the areas of intellectual property, IT & outsourcing, data protection and health law, she offers national and international companies sound legal advice.

She specializes in intellectual property law, including trademark, design, copyright and competition law. Dr. Katharina Landes has many years of experience in providing strategic advice, managing international trademark portfolios and representing clients in litigation.

In IT law, she supports complex software projects and IT carve-out projects. Her expertise in data protection law enables her to advise US clients on the data protection requirements for German subsidiaries. Dr. Katharina Landes also has expertise in healthcare law, in particular in the areas of medical product advertising law, medical device and pharmaceutical law, pharmacy law and professional law for the healthcare professions.

As a lecturer on the specialist lawyer course for copyright and media law at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, she actively contributes to legal education.






Admitted to the bar

ARD Liaison Office (Brussels), Legal Department of WDR (Cologne), Inter­na­tional Adver­tising Agency BBDO (Düsseldorf)

Legal clerkship in Cologne

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University

Doctorate (consti­tu­tional law topic)

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University

Study of law

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Teaching activities and lectures

Lecturer, specialist lawyer course on copyright and media law (Cologne University of Applied Sciences)

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