GÖRG Employment Tracker, 11/2023

Köln, 31.10.2023

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With our Employment Tracker we regularly look into the "future of labour law" for you! At the beginning of each month we present the most important decisions expected for the month from the Federal Labour Court (BAG) and the European Court of Justice (ECJ) as well as other courts. We report on the results in the issue of the following month. In addition, we point out upcoming milestones in legislative initiatives by politicians, so that you know today what you can expect tomorrow.

This time in focus:

Recent decisions

  • Works council co-determination in the case of instructions to refrain from private use of mobile phones/smartphones during working hours
  • Work on call - Duration of the weekly working time
  • Overtime surcharges for part-time employees - Preliminary ruling of the Federal Labour Court

Upcoming decisions

  • Replacement of the Works Council's Consent to the Hiring of an Employee
    Informing the works council by means of electronic access to an applicant database
  • Entitlement to Payment of Compensation under a Social Plan - Admissibility of the exclusion of employees with a fixed term from the scope of a social plan
  • Extraordinary dismissal for feigning inoculation incapacity
  • Indications of discrimination accord-ing to Sec. 22 of the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz – AGG) in the case of the "third gender”

Legislative initiatives, important notifications & applications

  • Commission on "Legal Certainty in Works Council Compensation" presents proposals for legislative amendments
  • Federal Cabinet decides on social security calculation figure for 2024


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