Press Releases | Public Sector
Press Releases | Public Sector
GÖRG advises Essener Versorgungs-...
Dr Thomas Christner is a lawyer and partner at GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Cologne. He is also a specialist lawyer for administrative law and has specialized in environmental and planning law for more than 30 years. With his specializations and experience in structuring complex procedures for the new construction and expansion of power generation plants, including the negotiation of the associated plant construction contracts, he enjoys an excellent reputation in the energy industry.
As a specialist lawyer for administrative law, Dr Thomas Christner has extensive expertise in all matters of environmental and planning law. He advises and represents public institutions, including public companies such as municipal utilities and special-purpose associations, municipalities, authorities and private companies in approval procedures, planning approval procedures, urban land-use planning procedures, regional planning procedures and other administrative procedures, e.g. water law approval procedures or contaminated site remediation procedures. In the area of environmental criminal law, Dr Thomas Christner regularly works together with specialist criminal defence lawyers in administrative offence and criminal proceedings.
Dr Thomas Christner regularly covers the part of public law due diligence in real estate transactions advised by his colleagues specializing in real estate law.
Another focus of Dr Christner's advice is the drafting and negotiation of complex plant construction contracts for energy generation plants such as combined cycle power plants, biomass cogeneration plants or waste-to-energy plants and wind farms.
Fachanwalt für Verwaltungsrecht
Zulassung als Rechtsanwalt
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